Las Otras Viudas

"Las otras viudas" portrays the internal revolution of eleven women trying to accept their personal loss in order to find the courage to surrender and eventually let go. Vulnerability, humour and the poetry that characterises Nadine Gerspachers work come together in this journey to shape the opportunity for self-celebration.

Directed and Choreographed

Directed and Filmed by

Artistic Assistant Director

Sound Designer


Nadine Gerspacher

Nicolas Clausen

Ombline Huvelle

Ramiro Bulzoni

Laura Branco
Lily Cabaud
Matilde Casini
Beatriz Cubero Mateo
Hedwig Edvall
Núria Gallego Díaz
María Ganzaráin Pina
Camille Lejeune
Maëlle Omnès
Hanna-May Porlon
Raphaëlle Sablic LINK 

Directed and choreographed by Nadine Gerspacher

Artistic Assistant Director: Ombline Huvelle

Directed and filmed by Nicolas Clausen

Sound designer: Ramiro Bulzoni

Performers: Laura Branco, Lily Cabaud, Matilde Casini, Beatriz Cubero Mateo, Hedwig Edvall, Núria Gallego Díaz, María Ganzaráin Pina, Camille Lejeune, Maëlle Omnès, Hanna-May Porlon, Raphaëlle Sablic LINK 

If you want to work with me for any project, feel free to reach me. I’ll be happy to share a coffee with you.